Living for Zachary “Ten Years” T-shirt Campaign

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Date(s) - 06/03/2019 - 06/17/2019
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Check out Living for Zachary’s 10th-anniversary t-shirt! Every shirt purchased will help Living for Zachary raise awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in youth!

June is AED/CPR awareness month and Living for Zachary is selling t-shirts to raise funds for our automated external defibrillator (AED) and CPR programs. Since 2009, Living for Zachary has donated 255 AEDs to youth-based organizations all over Texas and certified 1,375 people in AED/CPR training. Raising money for these programs will help us further our mission in preventing Sudden Cardiac Arrest in youth!

We have set a goal to sell 150 t-shirts! Help us reach that goal by purchasing a shirt, sharing the campaign with your friends, and sharing it on social media! This t-shirt design is only available during this campaign. Our campaign will close on Monday, June 17th at midnight! 


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